Mantra Tantra Yantra
This book presents three different ways of worshipping the Brahma, the Absolute God; and the philosophy and psychology behind the worshipping of the manifest form Shiva and Shivā; pervade all and are projected through each living and non-living entity. The whole Brahmānd contains sounds like Mantras and functions as Tantra or Yantra.
Separate worshipping or combined worshipping, whatever the case may be, the worshipping is done in all the three ways: Mantra; Tantra and Yantra. It fastens inner growth; helps in the acquisition of immense power; in getting union with the Soul, revelation of Self and Truth; for celestial pleasure and finally, for Moksha, Salvation. The book Mantra Tanta Yantra is complete, gives comprehensive details of both the theoretical and practical aspects, and will provide insight into each aspect of these three differently named but similar worshipping. It will definitely prove helpful to general readers; researchers; learned devotees; practitioners, Pandits; Sādhakas; Sādhus; Yogis and Tāntriks. It is a handbook for revelation and inner growth.
Prof. Shrikant Prasoon is a reader, teacher, thinker, poet and above all, a humanist. The more he reads and thinks, the more he writes on varied topics, but with one aim – 'to show man the need of nature and natural life'. He believes that all religions are integral and inseparable, living and developing parts of one basic religion called Humanism; and all the systems are an outcome of the greatest celestial system, which is devised and regulated by the Unseen and Unknown Creator. A retired Professor of English, Prof. Prasoon writes in Hindi with equal ease and also in Samskrit.
Pustak Mahal has published his following books in English: Aesop's Fables; Knowing Buddha; Knowing Guru Nānak; You and Your Queries; Indian Scriptures; Pancha Mahābhuta Tatva & Sharira; Chānakya- Rule the World; Knowing Kabir; Hinduism: Clarified & Simplified; 16 Hindu Samskārs; Rishis and Rishikās; Indian Saints and Sages; Mā Shakti and Shakti Peethas; My Letters: Mahatma Gandhi; Goddess of Wisdom Mā Saraswati; Divine Manipulator Shri Krishna; Make Wise Decisions; The Divine Manipulator Shri Krishna and Soul Stirring Stories.
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